Easy Recipes – hot dog sandwich shop hot dog sauce
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Easy Recipes – hot dog sandwich shop hot dog sauce

Hot Dog Sandwich Shop Hot Dog Sauce

Source: Hot Dog Sandwich Shop in Butler, Pennsylvania - ec.food.cooking

Use like ketchup - NOT Coney Island Sauce This makes a large amount so be prepared to can or to pass a LOT on to good friends and family. "It reminds me of Hungarian chili. Powerful stuff, but good." To quote Damsel in distress who posted the recipe. I think it is probably the nutmeg et al that creates the need to use like ketchup. Course some taste buds might just call for piling it on, so taste first and add to your taste. Figured I better include the warning just in case.

The Hot Dog Sandwich Shop in Butler, Pennsylvania serves this with chopped onions and a dill pickle spear in the bun.

2 pounds ground beef, browned
2 handsful chopped onions
1/8 cup salt
2 1/2 ounces chili powder
1 tablespoon cloves
1 tablespoon nutmeg
1 1/2 ounce paprika
1 tablespoon granulated sugar
1 small bottle ketchup
6 cups water

NOTE: use more of the water to make flour thinner.

Mix all ingredients in a Dutch oven. Mix 2 cups of flour with 1 cup of water into a paste and stir into sauce; let simmer for one hour.

This recipe was passed to me by an elderly lady who grew up eating these dogs. If you are so lucky to be in Butler, the waitresses will ask you if you want the hot dogs to have a pickle in the bun, and of course you tell her yes. Then she will bellow "2 dogs - pickle also!!" to the cook at the other end of the room. And yes, that is nutmeg and cloves in it.


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