Easy Recipes – copeland’s of new orleans swamp pie
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Easy Recipes – copeland’s of new orleans swamp pie

Copeland's of New Orleans Swamp Pie

Source: Copeland's of New Orleans

20 ounces graham cracker crumbs
6 ounces chocolate fudge
1/2 gallon vanilla ice cream
12 ounces sliced roasted almonds
12 ounces shredded roasted coconut
5 ounces whipped cream
8 ounces butter or margarine

Mix crumbs together with butter or margarine thoroughly. Spread the mixture on sides and bottoms of a 9-inch springform pan to form a crust.

Take 2 ounces of fudge and spread on top of crumbs. Place 1/4 gallon of ice cream on top of fudge. Next, spread 2 ounces of fudge over ice cream then place 4 ounces of coconut. Place remaining ice cream on coconut and follow with 2 ounces fudge, 4 ounces almonds and 4 ounces coconut as done before. Top with whipped cream and remaining almonds and coconut. Place in deep freezer for 3 to 4 hours.

Roasted Coconut and Almonds
Place coconut on a metal sheet pan and put in oven at 350 degrees F for approximately 3 1/2 minutes, stirring every 30 seconds. Do the same for almonds but increase time to 4 minutes.


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