Easy Recipes – kincaid’s oven roasted salmon with honey-peppercorn crust
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Easy Recipes – kincaid’s oven roasted salmon with honey-peppercorn crust

Kincaid's Oven Roasted Salmon with Honey-Peppercorn Crust

Source: Chef Dennis Colbert - Kincaid's, Norfolk, Va - 13News Lunchbreak Tuesday, June 12, 2001

1 (7- to 7 1/2-ounce) salmon, skin-on-sides, steak,
    cut 1 to 1 1/2 inch thick
1/4 cup corning brine (recipe included)
1/4 ounce peppercorn crust (recipe included)
2 teaspoons honey
1/2 ounce pickled red onions (recipe included)
1 ounce beurre blanc (recipe included)
1/4 teaspoon fresh dill, coarsely chopped into 1/4-1/2 inch pieces
1 lemon slice

Pickled Red Onions
4 ounces red onions, peeled and cross sliced into 1/8 inch rings
4 ounces sweet and sour base
4 ounces water

Sweet & Sour Base
3/4 cup granulated sugar
1 cup white distilled vinegar
1 tablespoon kosher salt

Peppercorn Crust
1/2 ounce whole green peppercorns, crushed
1/2 ounce whole pink peppercorns, crushed
1/4 ounce whole black peppercorns, crushed
1/2 cup corning brine (recipe included)

Corning Brine
1 1/2 cups water
3 tablespoons kosher salt
1 cup light brown sugar, lightly packed
1 tablespoon fresh ginger, peeled and minced
3 whole bay leaves, medium
1 tablespoon liquid smoke
1 teaspoon whole allspice, crushed

Mix together the sweet and sour base and water. Pour over the onions and marinate refrigerated for 1 hour. Mix occasionally to ensure uniform marinating. Remove red onions from the marinade and store refrigerated. Reserve and store marinade refrigerated for re-use (marinade can be used twice).

Sweet & Sour Base: Bring ingredients to a boil in a sauce pot over a medium-high heat. Cool, transfer, label and store refrigerated in a stainless container until needed.

Peppercorn Crust: Crush and crack the whole peppercorns with the bottom of a sauce pot until peppercorns are half to a quarter cracked. Place the peppercorns into a Robo Coupe and process until powdered with some small chunks of pepper visible.

Meanwhile, place the corning brine and cracked peppercorns into a sauce pot. Bring to a simmer and remove from heat. Let steep for 15 minutes. Place peppercorns into a wire mesh strainer to strain off excess marinade.

Transfer mixture into a Robo Coupe and process until the peppercorn mixture has a medium-line texture. Transfer, label and store refrigerated until needed.

Corning Brine: Combine and bring the ingredients to a simmer in a sauce pot. Remove and let cool to room temperature. Store refrigerated until needed.

Salmon Corning & Crusting: Place the salmon steaks into the brine and let marinade for 8-10 hours or overnight.

Remove steaks from marinade and transfer onto wire racks with a drip-catch pan. Refrigerate salmon steaks, uncovered, overnight to dry out the exterior surfaces.

Liberally brush the tops of the salmon steaks only with honey. Then spread the peppercorn crust evenly over the tops only.

NOTE: Corned and pepper crusted salmon steaks will hold for 2-3 days.

Place salmon steak onto a seasoned baking pan. Bake in a 350 degree F convection oven for 5 to 6 minutes or until an internal temperature of 120-125 degrees F is achieved. Do not overcook.

Remove and transfer salmon steak onto a heated entr  

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